Last week, an old writing friend emailed to ask if I will do Nanowrimo again this year.
What I emailed back to him I cannot repeat here for the sake of children's eyes, but it amounted to a firm No Way.
Last year, I drove myself insane. I resented when life took precedence in the form of repeated visits to the pediatrician for infinite reasons including the virus sent from the inferno below that I along with the entire family contracted, amidst the usual mayhem challenges to write that abound around here. I also wrote a whole lot of crap, of which I haven't opened the document to see the results of and edit. The novel was supposed to take place in Ireland and 31, 000 words in, the family was still on the plane from Logan Airport, crossing the Atlantic and playing gin.
I am currently STILL editing the novel I wrote before last year's Nano, and barely have the time and headspace for that, let alone start another project.
But then I was in the shower this morning - the only time and space I have completely alone to sort out whatever might be going through my head with minimal distraction - and a funny thought occured to me, which included a nonsensical opening novel line I could take in any direction.
And as I said, no, no, no I will not NOT do Nano this year, the idea grew. A plan fell into place.
I couldn't help it, by the love of all things chocolate with caramel. I have to do it now.
But first I am setting some ground rules:
1.Being likely a children's novel, I will accept 35K words as a good win if that's where it seems to end.
2. I will not make myself crazy if life gets in the way. I have a very full life. I will not resent the vicissitudes and interruptions, because really Nano is an interruption to my everything else. And my everything else is mayhem enough, thank you very much.
3. As long as it remains fun, is a catalyst for inspiration and I enjoy it, I'm in.
4. As soon as I break any of the above, and it becomes not fun, I am out.
Inspiration is my game this time, not racing to the finish line.
Call me crazy, but I'm in.
Addendum: I was remiss in defining Nanowrimo, thanks Christine E-E for pointing it out, so from the comments: nanowrimo is an online creative endeavor in which during the month of november, you join many others in the pursuit of writing 50,000 words in 30 days. please click the icon for it in my sidebar for the link to the website for more details.