Thursday, June 30, 2011

best laid plans...

Mr. Cynic is sleeping at his friend MD's house and I need to pick him up at 11. Then his friend TB  is coming over to form a new band. Grandma is taking Toots to Busch Gardens with her sister's family. So Captain Comic and I are on our own for a smidge here. I was hoping to have a little writing time, and talked to him about not interrupting, but it doesn't look that way, since his latest inquiry is:

Captain Comic: Mom, I'm taking a few of these poppits outside to pop on the deck (last box of those white throw down spark things from our bbq)
Mom: Okay.
Capt. Comic: (pop pop pop, reenters the office): Mom, can these be flammable?
Mom: Yes, they are made of gunpowder and spark.
Capt. Comic: So, like, if I tossed one in gasoline.....
Grandma & Mom: YES! of course if you throw them in GASOLINE!

So I guess I will not be writing today after all.

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