Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Last week I mentioned my new story idea that came up in the midst of my big edits I need to do on the first book. 

Yesterday I had one of those rare creative spells in which, no matter the interruptions, I wrote steadily over the course of about 6 hours on the new idea.

I'm really enjoying it.  That spark was what was missing in the edit draft two stage of the manuscript.  I mean, I enjoy making the improvements, but it's a slow road. 

But having something else to be excited about is just plain fun.

So I will continue to edit when I have good uninterrupted chunks of time, as in when my writing group meets. But in the meantime, I'm going to have fun over here on this little idea in all the little moments I have between the usual family business.

Making stuff up is so much easier than fixing what I already have. And it's fun.  I feel like a kid with a kite.  It's time to fly.


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